We've given up our jobs, we've sold our unit ...
Now we're ready to live life - a caravan, a car, just the two of us . . . the possibilities are endless.

Come join us on our adventures ...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year .. comes with mixed emotions

We saw the New Year's in with some very good friends - what a blast!  2010 was a huge year for us - among many other things, we got married and we made the decision to take our lives in our hands and we chose to live it - big!

The first day of the year saw us moving from our unit (which is still on the market *insert frowny face here*...) to my Mum and Dad's..  what an emotional ride.  While I'm super excited about what 2011 brings, it also brings a close to the past - filled with many, many memories.  It means that we no longer live a 15 minute walk from the beach, nor the little convenience store up the road that we used to frequent...very often.  We now live a 15 minute drive from the closest shops - so no doubt will prove to be a very effective money saving tool for us!

There's such mixed emotions - one moment I'm high as a kite thinking that we've taken that next step to our year (or so) on the road, the next I'm thinking about our unit and how much I will miss it and what it has given me over the past 4 years - but rather than think of what we've not got anymore, I'm choosing to remember the good times, thanking the universe for everything it bought me over the years and focusing on all the new memories we are going to make in 2011.

Stay tuned .. and follow up on our adventures for 2011

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