We've given up our jobs, we've sold our unit ...
Now we're ready to live life - a caravan, a car, just the two of us . . . the possibilities are endless.

Come join us on our adventures ...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Chapter Comes to an End

It has finally arrived, the day I finish at Billabong...well it was 2 days ago now.

While the day bought me great excitement, it also bought great sadness.  I spent the last 6 years working beside many people, whom I now call good friends.  As in any company, there were good and bad days, good and bad people and good and bad decisions - but you know what, I'd do it all again in the blink of an eye.  I still find it hard to believe that so many great people were in the one place.   And they all spoilt me rotten - I felt extremely special.

I've been trying to work out why I'm feeling so flat about the whole leaving work thing, when I should be bouncing out of bed and eager to do everything on my (fast growing) lists.  After thinking about it, I think it's the feeling that I'm no longer a part of something.  But I've decided that instead of looking backwards, it's now time to thank the universe for allowing me to have been part of something so special and turn my sights to the future and start working towards all the wonderful things we are going to be experiencing.

Today is the first day that I've actually had to myself - and I've got so many things on my list I don't know where to start.  Like many productive days, it's starting off with a little procrastination... but I have started the exercise routine again - so things are looking good : )

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